Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our Week in Pictures

Sunday, August 8
Emma (our next door neighbor) and Emilie play with their dolls.

Monday, August 9
Luke is an aspiring Window Washer (he would not leave the man alone!)

Tuesday, August 10
Matt reads, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," to the kids before bed.

Wednesday, August 11
Zachary took it upon himself (with the help of his handy assistants) to replace light bulbs throughout the house.

Thursday, August 12
Luke borrowed this "Jesse" hat from his friend, Audrey. He played with it all day.....while wearing jeans and cowboy boots and riding his stick horse, of course.

Friday, August 13
The kids had so much fun playing at this new park. Emilie enjoyed hanging out inside "the bubble."

Saturday, August 14
The kids love when Nana and Papa come for a visit. We all had a great time swimming in our neighbor's pool.
For some crazy reason, I can't type below this picture and I refuse to waste one more second trying to figure it out!

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